Growing pains

Sadly, we are all selfish. As much as we all encourage growth and whatnot, we still find it hard to accept that others have grown. We congratulate ourselves, we praise ourselves, we feel good about ourselves when we compare our intellect of years ago to the present time (at this point, it is no crime to be narcissistic). But we find it hard to accept that someone else has grown, not just any growth, but one that supersedes how we ever imagined. For instance, a supposed mentor will preach growth constantly to a mentee, but will, in turn, find it hard to accept that growth when it comes. So many times, we mistake naivety for humility and growth for pride. We like people to live by our rules. Even parents want that same 2-year-old baby who answered to everything they stipulated to still be the 20-year-old adult. Somehow, they still want you to follow their precepts, beliefs and all without understanding that you have grown to have a life of your own even though they still preac...