Does anything actually make sense anymore if we all will eventually become dust someday? 
We chant ‘All will be well’
But all never gets well.
Each passing day, we console ourselves
With the future we only HOPE for.
Today is the future you fantasized about ten years ago…
On the long run, it seems there’s no future, just yesterday and today
We live for the moment with memories of past experiences.
No matter how many rules you apply, the question remains unsolved
We only end up trying to live up to expectations, validations and approval.
The target shouldn’t be to make it in this life Nobody ever does in the real sense
Because man is insatiable.

Just live while you can!


  1. 🤗🤗 Wonderful Masterpiece

  2. I guess these are just facts of Life people should really know bou' ,that's some article there,good work

    1. Yeah. Thank you for reading. I appreciate.🥰🥰


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