Knowledge - an edge

The world is evolving and we cannot be certain to what height the human species may aspire in their approach towards perfection, of which when attained, life loses its spice in variety. Yes! There's beauty in imperfections and somehow that's what makes life interesting. Perfect is boring. I bet you know.

We may safely accede in the pleasing conclusion that every age of the world has increased and still increases; the real wealth, the happiness, the knowledge and perhaps the virtue of human race.

Knowledge is constantly undergoing a profound and progressive fragmentation. We can only continue this growth with knowledge with deep-rooted curiosity. You cannot know enough without being curious.
Curiosity, they say, "killed the cat". You're not the cat so you're free to be curious.😉😁
Be curious and feed your curiosity with knowledge. Widen your niche and be open to learning, unlearning and relearning.

The only  "edge"you have over someone is that you "know" what he/she doesn't know. 


  1. Bring it on.... I know you do think out something thrilling.... Keep it up

    1. Thank you for your kind words. I hope to keep up with the thriller via your indulgence.😊


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